
Enjoy your Spanish Journey One
at a Time.

One-on-One Online
Spanish Conversation

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¿Who is Gabriela?

I am Gabriela, the creator of this Spanish program. I am passionate about teaching and making learning fun and engaging. My approach simplifies complex concepts and encourages speaking without fear of mistakes. I'm here to support and motivate you on your journey to learning Spanish.

¿What is Lingo Coach Corner?

Lingo is our effective Spanish learning method using real-world listening and improvisation to boost confidence and communication skills, with one-on-one online classes.

Your Conversation
Journey Starts Here

1. Mastering the Unique Sounds of
Native Spanish Speakers.

Conversation is made up of sounds, many of which are unique to Spanish. By sharpening your ears with specially designed exercises, you will become accustomed to identifying and understanding them.

  • Shadowing Execises: Improve your ear at the same time you practice how to pronunciate.
  • Listening Exercises: Improve your ability to identify and understand the unique sounds of Spanish, enhancing your overall fluency.
  • Pronunciation Exercises: improve your ability to speak clearly and accurately, helping you feel more confident in Spanish conversations.
2. No More Fear, No More Blanks in Conversation.

Having all the vocabulary and knowing all the grammar rules is useless if, when it comes time to speak, fear paralyzes you, you go blank, or you can't bring your thoughts to life.

Why Improv games will help you:

  • Improv games prepare you for the unpredictability of a conversation.
  • You will learn to have the confidence to make mistakes and move forward. This will help you adapt and react better to Spanish conversations.
  • Approach Spanish conversations with greater ease and confidence.
  • Learning language patterns and its behavior.
3. Reduce Anxiety, Boost your Confidence.

Improving your pronunciation will help you articulate words more clearly, making it easier to communicate effectively. Plus, good pronunciation sharpens your listening skills, helping you understand others better and engage more naturally in conversations.

  • Shadowing exercises.
  • Tongue twister exercises.
  • Pronunctiation Coaching
  • Transcription Exercises.
4. Connect With People.

Receiving non-verbal communication coaching will help you:

  • Reinforcing Your Message: Non-verbal cues like gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact help to emphasize and clarify your spoken words, making your message more impactful and easier to understand.
  • Building Rapport: Effective non-verbal communication fosters connection and trust with others, making interactions more engaging and comfortable, which can lead to more meaningful conversations.
  • Boosting Confidence: Mastering non-verbal communication can make you feel more self-assured in conversations, leading to more relaxed and effective interactions.

¿How it looks inside?

Here, you'll find the materials you need to work alongside your conversation coaches. Click to see how you can transform your workflow with our all-in-one solution!

What We Offer



  • 30 min Video Call with Gabriela.
  • Start point of our program.
  • You'll receive feedback on your pronunciation, language imitation skills and conversation patterns.
  • You'll see clearly how our program supports your Spanish conversation skills.
  • Feedback will be provided as a document in written and video form, explaining the different areas being evaluated.

Intensive Program


  • $400 if you bought the assessment call.
  • Twenty 1-1 coaching sessions with Gabriela.
  • 30 min sessions.
  • Shadowing drills to mimic native speakers.
  • Pre-recorded lessons.
  • Weekly program adjustments based on progress.
  • Fun weekly tasks with music and films.
  • Improv techniques integrated into 1-1 sessions.
  • Weekly feedback on your progress directly from Gabriela.




  • $175 if you bought the assessment call.
  • Ten 1-1 coaching sessions with your coach.
  • 30 min sessions.
  • Shadowing drills to mimic native speakers.
  • Pre-recorded lessons.
  • Weekly program adjustments based on progress.
  • Fun weekly tasks with music and films.
  • Improv techniques integrated into 1-1 sessions.
  • Weekly feedback on your progress directly from your Coach.

We Are Here To Answer All
Your Questions

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